You may have many documents that you would like to use a local program to format in a format PmWiki can display.
You could open each document and copy/paste the content to new pmwiki pages or you could format the document in advance and upload it using a FTP client.
Only two lines are necessary in a PmWiki page file:
version=pmwiki-2.1.0 urlencoded=1 text=Markup text
The first line tells PmWiki that the values are urlencoded. The actual value of the “version=“ parameter doesn’t matter, as long as “urlencoded=1″ appears somewhere in the line. The markup text needs to have newlines converted to “%0a” and percent signs converted to “%25″.
Keys you could see in a raw PmWiki file:
(:title The Page Title:)
Below these you will see information used to keep track of the page’s revision history.
A simple way to create a wikipage file to for distribution (for example with a recipe or a skin) is to create the page with PmWiki and then use a text editor to delete all lines but version, text, and ctime. Example:
version=pmwiki-2.1.0 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 text=This is a line.%0aThis is another. ctime=1142030000